Chapter 27: Electric Charge and Coulomb's Law ============================================== SI(charge) = Coulomb [C] F = k*q1*q2 / r^2 CONSTANTS: e0 = 8.85e-12 [F/m] k = 1/(4*pi*e0) = 8.99e9 [N*m^2/C^2] ec = 1.602e-19 C Chapter 28: The Electric Field ============================================== SI(efield) = [N/C] = [V/m] E = F/q0 From point charge: E = (1/(4*pi*e0))*(q/r^2) Uniform linear charge: dq = (q/L) ds Uniform surface charge: dq = (q/A) dA Uniform surface charge: dq = (q/V) dV Ring of charge: R: radius, z: height Ez = (q*z)/(4*pi*e0(z^2+R^2)^(3/2)) Disk of charge: Ez = (sigma/2*e0)(1-z/sqrt(z^2+R^2)) Infinite line: E = lambda/(2*pi*e0*r) Chapter 29: Gauss' Law ============================================== capital phi: flux symbol |flux| = vA*cos(theta) (mag. velocity * area) flux through closed surface = 0 e0*flux = q .. e0*E*A = sigma*A .. E=sigma/e0 Spherical shell of charge: E = (1/(4*pi*e0))*(q/r^2) Chapter 30: Electric Potential ============================================== /\U = -Wab U(r) = (1/(4*pi*e0))(q1*q2/r) SI(potential) = joule/colomb [J/C] = volt [V] /\U = q/\V potential -> field: take gradient (partial derivatives wrt x,y,x) Chapter 31: Capacitors and Dielectrics ============================================== SI(capacitance) = farad [F] = 1 Coulomb/volt [C/V] q = C*V parallel-plate capacitor: C = e0*A/d in parallel: Ct = sum(Cn) in series: 1/Ct = sum(1/Cn) dielecric constant Ke = C/C0 (C0: C w/0 diele) Chapter 32: Current and Resistance ============================================== i = dq/dt SI(current) = ampere [A] = coulomb/second [C/s] current density: j=i/A SI(resistance) = ohm [omega] = volt/amp [V/A] resistivity: little-rho = E/j SI(power) = watt [W] = V*A = (J/C)(C/s) = J/s P = i^2/R = V^2/R Chapter 33: DC Circuits ============================================== emf = V i = emf/R -iR + emf = 0 resistors: parallel: 1/Rt = sum(1/Rn) 2: Rt = R1R2/(R1+R2) series: Rt = sum(Rn) kirchoff: 1: at junction, sum of currents = 0 voltmeter: high resistance Chapter 34: Magnetic Field ============================================== Chapter 35: Ampere's Law ============================================== Chapter 36: Faraday's Law of Induction ============================================== Chapter 38: Inductance ============================================== Chapter 39: Alternating Current Circuits ==============================================