"Your number one source for infomation on Large Members!!!"


This American Pie Institution known as “The Administration” will cleanse any sense of innuendo or sarcasm from the text or pictures that might actually make you think and will also insult your intelligence at the same time.

So protect your family. This campaign contains explicit depictions of things which are funny. These funny things are commonly known as humor. So, if it sounds sarcastic, don't take it seriously. If it sounds prejudice, stop reading it. And if it offends you, vote for us anyway...

Serious Disclaimer

This site is a joke. We love everyone.

Poking fun at the competition is just that --- fun. We have nothing against them. We didn't write the articles on this site, other people did. The only people that haven't loved this site are the competition. Oh well, they weren't going to vote for us anyway. We changed the names of the competition so murderers and pyschos won't get them (even though I hate perpetuating the myth that the Internet is such an awful place...) Seriously, if you are offended just leave. If you have some legitimate concern, tell us.

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Paid for by the Elect Brad and Nick campaign. Feel free to mail us.
Total morons: please read the Site Disclaimer.